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21,000 square metres in Rosmart

We expand our production. The first contracts have been signed.

Schulte Elektrotechnik buys 21,000 square metres in Rosmart
Sara Schmidt (MGR GmbH), Holger Moeser (MGR GmbH), Siegfried Schulte, Steffen Waldminghaus, Peter Dominicus (Dr. Altrogge, Dominicus & Partner - Lawyers and Notaries) and Edgar Weinert (MGR GmbH). Source: Guten Tach

Lüdenscheid/Altena/Werdohl. The traditional Lüdenscheid company Schulte - Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG, known for some time under the brand name "EVOline", has now secured an area of around 21,000 square metres in the Märkisches Gewerbepark Rosmart (MGR). The system manufacturer for power and data connections thus lays an important foundation for the continuation of its growth course.

Read more at Guten Tach (german)