A compact powerhouse

Combined with the EVOline Wing, the PowerOrganiser turns drawers into clever power outlets and recharging points.

Who doesn’t dream of a clutter-free home? It’s often those small details that make all the difference. EVOline’s sophisticated PowerOrganiser is a practical way of adding power outlets to drawers and managing cables and electronic devices. The versatile, built-in solution can be added to movable and extendable parts of furniture.

Clever in-drawer power outlet and recharging point
EVOline’s PowerOrganiser comes in two practical sets to meet multiple requirements. The first set consists of the EVOline One – a power socket discreetly fitted to the drawer organiser. The second set is a combination of EVOline’s One and DisQ for cordless charging. The extra DisQ wireless charger also recharges mobile phones safely in the drawer. Both sets are designed to fit seamlessly into standard drawer sizes.

Our EVOline Wing manages cables in the PowerOrganiser set. The Wing uses behind-drawer space for concealed management of cables without kinking or getting them jammed. From the Wing to the One socket, all the set’s components keep everything securely in place to ensure the power supply and cable management are safe.

Multipurpose for any room
The PowerOrganiser is a versatile item. It’s ideal for mobile phones in workplaces, reception desks in hotels or favourite recipes on kitchen iPads. The EVOline PowerOrganiser is an all-in-one system that looks attractive and offers top functionality for a wide range of applications.