Made in Germany: Logistics
Efficient and eco friendly logistics are all about digitalisation, sustainability, and regional production.

A globalised world requires companies to make high-quality products efficiently and sustainably. A complex chain of logistical processes is involved from a product’s concept-development phase all the way to shipping it on time. Efficient and sustainable logistics are key to quality and successful positioning on the market. Schulte Elektrotechnik is an innovative and quality-driven company that ships products to international markets from its base in Lüdenscheid, Germany. It combines digital processes with sustainable logistics and focuses on German-made solutions.
Digital transformation for paperless processes
Schulte Elektrotechnik follows a consistent policy of largely paperless workflows. Most business workflows are already digital. For legal reasons, installation instructions are included in the packaging, but inspection instructions and certificates are on the company’s website. Schulte Elektrotechnik doesn’t just opt for paperless processes, it also minimises the quantity of printed advertising materials. To save on resources, encourage environmentally friendly practices and keep it up to date, information is increasingly provided online.

Short, planet friendly shipping routes
Schulte Elektrotechnik’s deliberate decision to make products in Germany enables short shipping routes. As a result, items are delivered in a reliable, planet friendly way. As part of the company’s sustainability endeavours and to prevent plastic waste, only cardboard packaging is used. Depending on product requirements, environmentally friendly cardboard inlays or bubble cardboard are applied.
The Square80 is an excellent example of sustainable packaging with the proportion of plastic way under the permitted 4%. Schulte Elektrotechnik is constantly reviewing sustainable options. In the future, it plans to include carbon offsetting in its shipping process.
On-time shipping thanks to regional production
One of Schulte - Elektrotechnik’s core success factors is the proximity of its own production and installation facilities just a few kilometres apart. The plant in Altena-Rosmart processes plastics, while the headquarters in Lüdenscheid, some eight kilometres away, controls the logistics. As a result, distances are short, fuel consumption minimised and shipping fast and reliable. Most of the raw materials come from long-standing suppliers in Germany. These are also transported over short distances, which cuts the ecological footprint even further.
At Schulte Elektrotechnik, its German-made products are all about innovation, quality, and reliability. Our series reports on just how multifaceted German-made production at Schulte Elektrotechnik is. Find out more about Made in Germany and all under one roof.